Reality is...I don't need to buy something new.

Although having a photo shoot gives us an excuse, we probably don’t need to go out and get new clothes for the occasion. The truth is, we often look better in pictures when we are comfortable and in our typical clothing. We can obviously step it up a notch, but sometimes it feels daunting and too much to take on. I can’t tell you how many people put off sessions because the task of trying to figure out what to wear is just too much. I’m here to tell you, you don’t need to make it that hard. Especially with people like Jordyn around town. After getting to know her, I knew she would be perfect to add to the blog. She has some great tips for shopping your own closet this, and every season. Keep that money in your pocket for the upcoming holidays and wear something to your fall photo shoot that you already have.

Introducing: Slow with Jo

How To Shop Your Closet and Why It Matters - Tips from a Personal Stylist

What if I told you that you could save $100-$500 in the next month? What if I told you that you have 20-50 fabulous outfits just waiting to be discovered in your closet? All you need is a shopping break and an open mind (and maybe a personal stylist) to unlock your wardrobe’s potential!

If you're anything like me, your closet is probably overflowing with clothes. It’s one of the perks of living in the 21st century! The post-pandemic culture has made it easier than ever to refresh your wardrobe with just a few clicks on your phone or computer. It’s fast, incredibly convenient, and you don’t even have to leave the comfort of your couch—until the doorbell rings, that is. With same-day delivery options from retailers like Amazon and the flood of affordable styles from brands like Shein and Temu, the temptation to buy new clothes is constant. Social media influencers amplify this pressure, showcasing “must-haves” and time-sensitive sales that urge us to consuuuuuume.

But what if we slowed down? What if we asked ourselves, “Do I really need a whole new fall wardrobe? What’s wrong with last season’s clothes?" By shifting our mindset from consumption to creation, we can transform our closets into spaces filled with clothes that are worn, loved, and styled in new ways. Shopping our closets is one of the most sustainable choices we can make! So let’s break this down.

Here are the top three benefits of shopping your closet.

1. It’s Budget Friendly

Shopping your closet is a fantastic way to save money. Instead of constantly buying new clothes, you can rediscover pieces you already own. This practice allows you to create fresh outfits without spending a dime!

2. It’s Sustainable

Did you know it is estimated that there are between 80-150 billion (yes, billion. You read that correctly) new items of clothing being produced every year? The average garment is only worn a handful of times before it is donated, discarded, or left to collect dust in the deep dark corner of your closet. Enough is enough. It’s time to be more mindful about what we consume and why we’re consuming it! What’s wrong with the clothes in your closet? Go make friends with it and get to styling!

3. It’s Honoring the Hands That Made Your Clothes

Every piece of clothing we own has been touched by human hands. By wearing and appreciating what you already have, you show respect for the craftsmanship and effort that went into creating those clothes. Pause and ask the question “who made my clothes?” Fashion is more than a price tag and a cute fit. It is a way we can advocate and demand for change in the fashion industry! Speaking of demanding for change in the fashion industry, let’s talk about creating a shoppable closet so you don’t feel like you need a shopping trip every two weeks! 

I recently had a closet consultation with a client and it was as if I stepped into a perfectly curated boutique! She had spent the last few months working to purge, declutter, and rediscover the clothes she actually loved and would wear. She did this because felt overwhelmed by the sheer volume of clothes she owned. Ironically, having so many options led her to buy even more clothes because she could never find what she needed! She’d created what I like to call a shoppable closet! Move over fast fashion! We’re shopping closets instead! I was able to come in and style her in pieces that she’d never touched! My job was to then take the beautiful pieces she owned and turn them into complete outfits based on her unique body type and lifestyle! 

So what are the keys to a shoppable closet? 

Take Time to Make Space

I’m talking about decluttering. You want to go in and be ruthless! What fits? What doesn’t? Do you absolutely love it? Why or why not? Create piles or stations where each category goes. Look for pieces that feel good and fit well. That’s one pile. Next, what do you own that you’ve only worn once or twice? That’s your second pile. Next, which items are tired, worn beyond wear, or ill-fitting. That’s your third pile! (I host seasonal clothing swaps for those items you don’t wear!)

Make Things Visible

What is it about a store that attracts you to shop? Is it lighting? Is it how things are folded just so on tables? Is it color coordination? Find what really attracts you to step into your closet and start there! Decide if you want to hang most of your clothes or display them folded on shelves. I’d definitely recommend hanging them so they are the most visible. Consider organizing your closet by color, style, or season. The key to this step is what works for YOU! 

Commit To a Shopping Break

This is optional but highly recommended! Why? Because this will force you to look at your closet with fresh perspective and actually wear what you own! And bonus if you’ve already taken time to do those first few steps, you’ll actually WANT to shop your closet because everything is visible and pretty to look at! 

"As a slow fashion stylist, these are things I care about and work to inspire others to do the same! Will you give it a try? I can’t wait to cheer you on and see what you put together from your closet!"

You guys have to follow her Instagram too! It's so good! Such great tips and tricks!